I don’t know staying with a drama student will actually bring me back so much real life drama in return. My whole life ( as if I am that old). Ya, my 22 years past has had been dramatic enough. Attempting to elaborate on those grandmother’s stories might be never ending, perhaps I should save it for another blue night.
Lately there have been a few real life drama happened around me, my life, my friend. Let's just take the 3 most dramatic cases I came through. 2 out of 3 involve violence against women. If we know detail about forms of violence against women, all three I mentioned above are violence against women, including, PHYSICAL violence, SEXUAL HARASSMENT , SOCIAL violence and Domestic violence.
These had really lit the alert of protecting women’s welfare issue. I was really shocked that things like this are still happening under the sun in this so call civilize land. Malaysian oh Malaysian, Man oh Man…
I will try to rephrase the cases as detail as I could.
Case 1:
Form of violence involve: SEXUAL HARASSMENT
Victim: MizOn (name has been altered)
Not long ago, MizOn has rented a room in a middle class resort condominium in Penang Island, as the car park lot is quite pricy, she has not intention to rent any yet. Most of the time she will ask for a visitor parking pass from the security guard if it’s too late at night when she come home for safety reason. One month passed and everything seems fine until this one namely FAT.S (I name “it”) security guard which only worked for 4 days, crossed the line, just too much.
It was around 3 or 4 am in the morning, MizOn came home, as usual she ask for the visitor parking, so this FAT.S guard take his bike and ask MizOn to follow him as he wants to lead the visitors’ lot.( This was not necessary). He then make a round up and stop in front of MizOn window, and told her in Malay: “ Kita orang tolong you, you pun mesti tolong kita orang la.” MizOn at that moment thought he wanted money, so she in blur ask him, “tolong apa?” As the FAT.S lean forward to the wound window, he shamelessly reply and require: “Boleh bagi kita pegang barang you?” MiZon started to feel uneasy but she was really panic trying to start the car engine, without thinking she asked: “huh? Apa barang?” That bloody FAT.S then use his fat index finger curling, rubbing and touching MiZon’s shoulder, saying, “ barang itu la!” Oh My Dear God.
MizOn by the time already manage to starts the engine, firmly reject by pushing his hand off her shoulder: “NO! PLEASE NO!” winded up the window and left the apartment. She was frightened to dead that she was shivering and needed to call a couple of friend to accompany her to walk home later. The very next day report was made to the management office, not long after that, the security guard was fired.
Okay this is too much for me to continue on the 2nd and 3 rd case, I need to park my pen here (symbolically) I will try to put fingers on the keyboard as soon as I can to detail on the topic.
For more information about Violence against women please visit the WAO website and don't forget visit the nearest The Body Shop in town and find out more about the Stop Violence in the Home campaign running together with WAO (FOC) and that is those little move that you can take to help and support and learn to help women in need.
Until then GoodNight.
p/s: Gratitude to all the revolutionaries, you make me breathe again...